Welcome to Generation CrossFire

Generation CrossFire is a community-based, non-profit, cross-cultural youth outreach organization. Our greatest desire and intent is to help unify the local church and the local community addressing the needs of every young person.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Generation CrossFire Presents...Two Positive Community Youth Events


A new community youth non-profit launches in the DC metro area called Generation CrossFire. Generation CrossFire, is a Nonprofit Organization dedicated to radically impacting the lives of youth. Generation CrossFire's goal is to inspire inner-city youth to find and walk in their pre-designed purpose and destiny in society by helping them to identify their gifts and talents and by promoting discipline, diligence and determination to achieve greatness. With a mission to motivate, encourage and inspire inner-city youth to channel stress, pressures and fears into more positive attributes of strength, self-confidence and self-discipline Generation CrossFire is poised to make an enormous impact in the DC metropolitan area and the world.

Generation CrossFire’s founder and Executive Director, James Boyce is a native of Charlotte, NC. As a young boy James experienced much hardship by having lost his Father who was only 29 to brutal violence and by being pulled from his Mother who was unable to care for him at age 6 years old due to her mental disability. Throughout his adolescence young James would be forced to experience the constant moving from foster home to foster home. James felt early in life the cold reality of rejection, loneliness, as well as the lack of identity and a sense of belonging. “My Father was murdered on the streets of Charlotte. I have always regretted growing up without a Father but as I got older I started to realize that there must have been a greater purpose for it all.”

James lived much of his early childhood in the Double Oaks community of Charlotte, NC. In the late 1980’s and early 1990’s, Double Oaks was ranked as the number one violent crime neighborhood in Charlotte. It was widely known as an open drug market and was even named by the New York Times as one of the most violent neighborhoods in all of America. Gangs would openly fight for turf and syringes littered forgotten parks where children once played. Needless to say, the odds against James were very slim. Statistically, he was destined for destruction. Positive role models were scarce and the males that were around him were mostly uneducated, drug users, dealers, alcoholics, abusers or literal criminals.

With the official launch of Generation CrossFire, James hopes to truly make a positive impact in the lives of inner-city youth who are faced with many of the obstacles he had to face as a youth. Two events officially kickoff 2010 with a blast and continuing on every 2nd Saturday at the Mount Rainier Nature/Recreation Center at 4701 31st Place, Mount Rainier, MD 20712 just next door to DC.

1) Saturday, March 13, 2010-“A Call To Arms”- Community and Youth Leaders Forum
With youth workers, youth lay leaders, youth mentors, youth speakers, youth Pastors, parents of youth, teachers, youth community service workers, youth activists and youth council leaders discussing the state of our youth from 5:30-7:30PM.

2) Saturday, April 10, 2010- Positive Expressions Youth Rally
Motivating youth through positive Music, Dance, Spoken Word Poetry and Dynamic Youth Motivational Speakers. They are looking for the most artistic/talented dancers, step teams, spoken word individuals and youth groups for participation in the events from 5:00-7:00PM.

For more information please feel free to visit on-line at http://generationcrossfire.blogspot.com/ or send an email to crossfiregeneration@gmail.com .

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